To all women, to all men , to all human beings...... today as I was listening to Eva Cassidy I had a dream. I hope we all can share it one day
. Ima
There are several types of violence against women: Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, Harmful Traditional Practices, Trafficking in Women and Girls, etc. Some of them are more frequent in underdeveloped countries, but all of them may occur in developed countries as well, and very close to where we live. Read some of the information linked below and then comment on what you learned or thought about this problem when were reading these pages. The following questions can help you with your comment:- What was surprising for you in the information you have read about violence against women?- Have you ever been a witness of this kind of violence? In that case, how did you feel? - Do you think a "violence perpetrator" can change his behaviour?
Unifem Facts & FiguresDomestic Violence: What is it? Imagine what it is like
Read about some of
Myths and stereotypes about domestic violence.
Respect's philosophyA collection of posters selected by my colleague Pablo
Have a nice week